Boundless thanks… to everyone who helped me in one way or another, to carve these songs into the bark, for all time:
To my producer, Seth Glier, for your towering talent and endless good humor and for keeping our sessions productive and full of grins; to Ellis Paul, for your ongoing encouragement and support, without which my journey as singer/songwriter might never have come this far; to Andrew Oedel, Ghost Hit Recording’s engineer extraordinaire, for your masterful ear and unparalleled sense of touch and tone; to Judi Vinar, my fabulous voice coach, for always getting me inside the song; to Susan Werner, for your friendship, creative insights, and unceasing sense of fun; to Sue, my loving partner, for being an always-willing editor and first among my listeners as each song took shape; to my daughter Sarah and my son Andrew, for your inspiration, and to Nishant and Adil and Zoë and Felix for always being interested in the next song; and to friends in so many places for your love of my music and stories.
To the collaborative cadre of elegantly talented fellow carvers who were there in the studio:
Dan Thomas, Rob Griffith, Reed Sutherland, Joe Nerney and Seth Glier.
I’ve called this collection of songs, “Carved in the Bark”, which is to say, we were here.
Just follow the tracks.